Tratamiento del cancer de pulmon avanzado
Coordinador: Dr Luis Raez - Certificacion 2 hs UM – Tiempo para cursar y rendir: 6 meses – Se cursa y se rinde on line – La actualizacion comienza cuando se inscribe. Recibira usuario y clave de acceso.
Liquid biopsy-based CGP allows analysis of circulating tumour DNA
EGFR inhibitors
Clinical case
Addition of Bevacizumab to Atezolizumab and Chemotherapy Prolongs Survival of EGFR/ALK + Patients
Clinical case
The Future of Cancer Therapy
NTRK inhibitors
BRAF/MEK Inhibitors
ORR slightly in favor of combination
Módulos disponibles free
Tratamiento del cancer de pulmon avanzado
Liquid biopsy-based CGP allows analysis of circulating tumour DNA
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EGFR inhibitors
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Clinical case
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Addition of Bevacizumab to Atezolizumab and Chemotherapy Prolongs Survival of EGFR/ALK + Patients
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Clinical case
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The Future of Cancer Therapy
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NTRK inhibitors
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BRAF/MEK Inhibitors
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ORR slightly in favor of combination
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Examen Tratamiento del Cáncer de Pulmón Avanzado