Tumores neuroendocrinos del tubo digestivo
Coordinador: Dr Juan Manuel O’Connor Certificacion 2 hs UM –Tiempo para cursar y rendir : 6 meses – Se cursa y se rinde on line – La actualizacion comienza cuando se inscribe. Recibira usuario y clave de acceso.

- Introducción
- The overall incidence of NETs is increasing rapidly compared with all malignant neoplasms
- Changes in the epidemiology of neuroendocrine tumours
- Observational study of patients with gastroenteropancreatic and bronchial neuroendocrine tumors in Argentina
- Nets are often advanced at the time of diagnosis
- Therapeutic advances in NETs
- Therapeutic options in NETs
- Factors influencing the therapeutic decision
- Biotherapy: somatostatin analogues
- Promid and clarinet studies
- Molecular biology in pNETs
- Everolimus – Sunitib
- Radiant program: Everolimus in NETs
- Targeted therapies in well-differentiated pancreatic NET
- RADIANT-4 Study design
- Primary endpoint: PFS by central review
- Prospective phase 2 study with Temozolomide +/- Capecitabine in pNET
- Telotristat Etiprate A Tryptophan Hydroxylase (THP) Inhibitor
- SANET-ep / SANET-p
- Neuroendocrine carcinoma Grado 3
- The evolving treatment algorithm for advanced neuroendocrine neoplasms
- Conclusiones
Módulos disponibles free
Tumores neuroendocrinos del tubo digestivo
Therapeutic advances in NETs – Therapeutic options in NETs
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Biotherapy: somatostatin analogues – Promid and clarinet studies
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Targeted therapies in well-differentiated pancreatic NET
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RADIANT-4 Study design – Primary endpoint: PFS by central review
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Telotristat Etiprate A Tryptophan Hydroxylase (THP) Inhibitor
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The evolving treatment algorithm for advanced neuroendocrine neoplasms – Conclusiones